Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Slugs and Snails.

Today we learned about slugs and snails.
Now we know lots of things about slugs and
snails. Slugs and snails are animals.

Slugs are different from snails. Snails have
a shell but the slugs do not have one.
Snails have a hard shell on their body.
Next we learned that slugs and snails must
be wet because they might die.

Then we learned that they have hundreds of
tiny teeth. Slugs and snails live in the
garden and eat green leaves.
We found out slugs and snails have two short
feelers. Slugs and snails also have a soft

Thursday, December 1, 2011


A Visit From Old Mcdonalds Farm

Last week Old Mcdonalds Farm came to Glenbrae
School. They visited us first thing in the morning.
Room One went to Old Mcdonalds Farm and Farmer
Crystal was waiting for us at the gate. We fed
the baby lamb with a bottle of milk.

After we fed the lamb, we patted every animal in
the pen. The duck was in the box and the lid was
open. Farmer Jamie then took us to the pony.

The last thing we did was to hold the animals and
then to place them down safely on the ground.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Old Mcdonald’s Farm

Last week we all went to Old Mcdonald’s
Farm. Farmer Crystal, Farmer James and
Farmer Jamie were our teachers.
The animals were in a pen. We patted the
animals and they were soft and warm.
The animals have soft fur.
We carried the animals. The guinea pig
scratched my hand. It has sharp nails.
We all brushed the pony with a brush and
I touched the pony too. The pony was tied
up with a rope on the grass.
The pig and the chicken had hard fur.
We fed the animals with dry grass and hay.
All the animals were soft and warm.


Old McDonalds Farm

Last week the Old McDonalds Farm came to visit
Glenbrae School. The visitors were Farmer Crystal,
Farmer James and Farmer Jamie and they came to
the front of our school.
Famer Crystal let Room One feed the baby little
white lamb with a big huge pump bottle and the
baby little lamb drank the milk very fast.
After we fed the baby little white lamb with
milk, Farmer Crystal let us go inside the huge
big silver pen and it had a lot of animals like a
kid, rabbit, goat, calf, pony, lamb, sheep, guinea
pig, duck and chicken.
I patted the kid and it felt nice. I carried the
guinea pig, kid and rabbit. I didn’t want to carry
the chicken because it might scratch me. The rabbit
was nice and warm and I liked it.
I was brave.


Old Mcdonald’s Farm

Last week Old Mcdonald’s Farm came to visit us.
First, Farmer Crystal was waiting for Room One
at the gate. The farmers’ names were Crystal,
James and Jamie.
Next Crystal let us feed the baby lamb.
After that we went in the pen and patted the
animals. When I went in the pen I was scared of
the goat. Then I brushed the pony.
Later on Crystal gave us some dry grass and hay.
Afterwards I held the animals.
At last I felt happy when I was holding the

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Animal Tale

Tricking the tiger.
A long time ago there were two Foxes.
There were Mr Fox and Mrs Fox. They lived
in a den with their three little cubs.
One night when Mr and Mrs Fox were looking
for food and walking back home, a tiger
stopped them. The tiger said, “I am going
to eat you both.”
“Wait we have three little cubs and they are
fat and young,” said Mrs Fox.
Mr and Mrs Fox led the stripy tiger to their
door. They told the tiger to wait. Then
they escaped to the forest and they lived
happily ever after.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011

The Rugby World Cup 2011
I saw the fireworks and I watched the All Blacks.
The All Blacks had the most tries. Sonny Bill
Williams took his t-shirt off and the boys

Rugby World Cup 2011

The Rugby World Cup 2011
I watched Tonga play rugby against the All Blacks.
Tonga lost. I cried and I was sad. They tried
their best.

Friday, September 30, 2011


The Zoo Trip
Last week we went to the zoo.
We went to a classroom to learn about animals.
Helene was our zoo teacher. She showed us a reptile.
It was a tuatara. He felt prickly.


The Zoo Trip
I went to the zoo and I saw a tiger.
The tiger was eating a bird.

Friday, September 23, 2011



Mammals have back bones which is a spine on
their backs. Some mammals have fur to keep
them warm. Some mammals have coats. Baby
mammals get milk from their mothers. Human
beings are mammals. Mammals are all over
the world. Mammals are found in Asia and Africa.




Mammals have backbones which are spines
on their backs.
Mammals get milk from their mothers.
Mammals have fur. Mammals have coats.
Human beings are mammals.




Mammals have backbones. They are spines on an animal’s back.
Humans are mammals because humans have backbones too.
Mammals have fur and coats.
Baby bears get some milk from their mothers.
There are lots of mammals around the world. Mammals are
monkeys, dogs, cats, bears, lions and tigers.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Zoo Trip

Monday, September 5, 2011


Animal Classification

Animals are living creatures. Some animals are

the same and some animals are different. Animals

are grouped by what they look like or by what

they eat or where they live. There are different

types of animal groups. They are mammals,

amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds and insects.



Monkeys are mammals. Monkeys have tails and they

can climb up trees with their arms and legs. Some of

the monkeys don’t have tails. Apes don’t have tails

but they can also jump up in the trees. They eat fleas

all day when they are grooming each other.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inquiry Learning

How does a hot air balloon fly?

Things fly because hot air is light.

There are two gas burners in the hot air balloon. The

gas burners heat up the hot air balloon. The gas burners

throw out a lot of hot flames. The bigger the flames,

the higher the balloon will fly.

The cold air makes the balloon fall down.

Fineasi M

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot air balloon

How does the hot air balloon fly?

The hot air balloon has two gas burners and they blow the balloon

up. The balloon can go up because the gas burners heat up the

hot air balloon.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Welcome to Tamati

Room 1 welcomes Tamati who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Shannon

Room 1 welcomes Shannon who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Stephen

Room 1 welcomes Stephen who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Inoke

Room 1 welcomes Inoke who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Caroline

Room 1 welcomes Caroline who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Curtis

Room 1 welcomes Curtis who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Sitaleki

Room 1 welcomes Sitaleki who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Asipeli

Room 1 welcomes Asipeli who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Kika

Room 1 welcomes Kika who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Maara

Room 1 welcomes Maara who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Aaliyahna

Room 1 welcomes Aaliyahna who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Fineasi

Room 1 welcomes Fineasi who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Viani

Room 1 welcomes Viani who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Welcome to Alifeleti

Room 1 welcomes Alifeleti who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Salesi

Room 1 welcomes Salesi who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Fineasi

Room 1 welcomes Fineasi who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Mateaki

Room 1 welcomes Mateaki who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to George

Room 1 welcomes George who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find his work.

Welcome to Nirvana

Room 1 welcomes Nirvana who was in Room 2 last year. Click here to find her work.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Water Experiment


Room One learned how water changes in many ways.

The water became steam and the water turned in to

raindrops because the water was changed by the sun.


Water Experiment

Making Water in a Water Cup Bag

Steam made the water go up in the plastic bag.

The droplets got big and turned into rain.


Ozone Layer

This week I came to school and it was raining. I learned about the Ozone Layer with Ms Boyer. We need to wear our sunhats so we cannot get sunburnt.


Wind Tunnel

We are learning about air. We went to learn about how air moves around in space. We saw the wing spin around the string. The cold wind blew the wing around the wind tunnel.


Wind Tunnel

Inside the wind tunnel there is a fan. The fan makes the wind. The air moves around. The air makes the wing go up and down.

Inquiry Learning

Why do we need water?

We need water to stay alive. Plants need water to feed and grow. We need water to keep us clean and handsome.


The Life Caravan Visit

Room 1 visited the Life Caravan to learn about themselves. Room 1 saw Harold the giraffe.

Children need to drink water 4 times especially when they are thirsty. Children have to shower at night time or day time.

Fineasi F

Water Fun Day

Last week my friends and I ran in the water fun day. I liked putting the water in the bin.

The yellow team was the winner.


Water Fun Day

I had fun at the water fun day and I went down the waterslide. I put water in the red bin. I squeezed the wet t-shirt in the bin.


School Treaty

At school I am busy writing some words and after that I will tell the teacher what to do.

At school I learn with my brain. I listen to the teacher and I will do what the teacher tells me.

When the teacher tells me to do something I need to do it quickly.


School Treaty

I work hard at school. At school I try to do my reading and story writing. I think hard all the time.

I sit still and look at the teacher. On the mat I cross my legs and arms.

I am honest because I tell the truth.
